Dahyun Choi

Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Politics
Princeton University

Hello! I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Politics at Princeton University, where I am affiliated with the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics, the Data-Driven Social Science Initiative, and the Program for Quantitative and Analytical Political Science. I work on questions in interest group politics, lobbying, political economy, and American political institutions, using methods from computational social science and applied statistics. I also develop methodological tools to improve machine learning practices in political science.

Manuscripts Under Review

Teaming Up Across Political Divides: Evidence from Climate Regulations

(Previously titled "Teaming up with the Enemy: Firms and the Information Environment of Climate Regulations.")

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Quantifying Informative Signals from Interest Groups

(with Brandon Stewart and Denis Peskoff) Revise & Resubmit, Political Science Research and Methods

Learning from Noise: Applying Sample Complexity for Social Science Research

(with Perry Carter)

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Working Papers & Work in Progress

Scientification of Politics? Interest Group Influence on Bureaucratic Expertise in Climate Change

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Politics of Academic Experts: Evidence from Antitrust Laws

(with Nolan McCarty)

Political Cycle of Government Innovation

(with John M. de Figueiredo)

Firms’ Political Response to Regulatory Capacity: Evidence from State-Level Workforce Shocks

(with Kyuwon Lee) [ | ]

Sample Complexity For Open-Ended Survey Responses

(with Perry Carter and Narrelle Gilchrist)

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How Interest Groups Strategically Take Advantage of Voter's Rational Inattention

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A Dataset of Presidential Election Results at the Congressional District Level

(with Christian Baehr, Francesca Tang and Rocio Titiunik)